Monday, April 6, 2009

New blog!

I've combined my children's/family portraiture into my wedding site so you can just check one place now! Visit and see my most recent work on the Stairstep Kids Photoblog!

Check out the new Spring/Summer What's Up Weddings Magazine. A wedding I photographed is one of the ones featured! The beautiful Joanna and Lonnie's wedding on pages 56 & 57. More photos on the Stairstep Kids Blog.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Maria & Marcos: Congratulations!

These are for Maria- I promised to try and get some before she left! Congratulations, you both looked wonderful!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jen and Vic


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Joanna & Lonnie: The (almost) Black and White Series

A few more from Joanna & Lonnie's wedding (who have been incredibly patient but trust me guys, it's worth it!!). Of course there are many more, but these kind of said "old Hollywood glamour" to me hence the black and white (mostly). Enjoy!

This lovely shot taken by the fabulous Melissa Robison who helped me capture some great ones of Joanna getting ready!

The two following shots were taken by Michael Domingo, AKA the "Groom's Personal Paparazzi." Nice work Michael!

I call this one "the moment."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sandy's Memoir

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Alexandra Bull | ssk photography | 443.977.4899

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